social protection

Statement - 'End poverty in all its forms everywhere: Implement social protection by 2030'

The members of the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors are convinced that, with global and regional support that social protection floors must be implemented in particular at the  national and the local level. They must be implemented in all countries, in least ‐ developed and developing countries, in landlocked countries, in island countries, in […]

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A newly established web platform on Social Protection and Human Rights is launched

A newly established web platform on Social Protection and Human Rights ( is now available: it brings together various resources relevant to a rights-based approach to social protection, including expert commentaries, reports and other publications, as well as relevant legal instruments and legal cases at the international, regional and domestic level. While the fields of social […]

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New Publication: Social Protection in Development Cooperation of the EU

Lately social protection has made quite a spectacular comeback to the international cooperation agenda. In particular the role of social protection plays in alleviating and preventing poverty as well as creating social and economic development has now been largely recognised by international agencies, donors, governments and civil society organisations. Based on the UN Social Protection […]

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