The discussion paper “Sustainably Financing Social Protection Floors” Toward a Permanent Role in National Development Planning and Taxation by Barry Herman, the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors and Brot für die Welt.
Social protection systems must be fiscally sustainable so they will provide all residents with adequate social protection in all the challenging situations over the life cycle that pose a risk to livelihood security now and in the future. This is often not the case.
Read here the publication.
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Lead Discussant remarks by Sylvia Beales, Gray Panthers/Stakeholder Group on Ageing, at the Side Event at the HLPF 2018 “SDG 6 and Leave No Woman Behind. Removing the barriers for all women – including girls and older women and women with disabilities – to water, sanitation and hygiene with a focus on their safety and security. Read more | |
On 13 July, the ITUC submitted a response to the International Monetary Fund's public consultation on social spending. This consultation is supposed to inform the IMF's development of a strategic framework on social protection. The ITUC has stressed in its response that the IMF should cease promoting retrenchments to social protection, and instead give priority to enlarging the coverage of social protection and improving the adequacy of benefits, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals target 1.3 on ensuring social protection for all. The ITUC also stresses that when dealing with social protection in its policies and programmes, the IMF should ensure consistency with international labour standards and agreed international commitments, as well as ensure close consultation with social partners and civil society actors on the ground. Read more | |
Since 2015 the Brazilian government has implemented unnecessary and excessive austerity measures with major human rights implications, especially for women's rights, despite the availability of less harmful alternatives. Among these austerity measures, the unprecedented constitutional amendment – CA 95, which came into effect in December 2016 – capped social expenditures and investments at 2016 levels, adjusted to inflation, for the next 20 years. Read more | |
Promoting Inclusion Through Social Protection. In order to promote inclusion, social protection systems must be sensitive to the needs of those population groups that are at highest risk of poverty: children, youth, older persons, persons with disabilities, international migrants, ethnic and racial minorities, and indigenous peoples.
The Report on the World Social Situation 2018 shows that each of these groups faces particular barriers to social protection coverage. It contends that inclusive social protection systems must guarantee access to a minimum set of tax-financed schemes. It explains why universal schemes are better at reaching disadvantaged groups than schemes targeted at them and considers how social protection programmes should be implemented in order to avoid excluding people in need. Read more | |
This paper by Don D. Marshall seeks to provide a relational understanding of an endemic crisis in accumulation/development across the
Commonwealth Caribbean. This crisis is both ideational and material. It is material insofar as households continue to bear the brunt of wage stagnation, income inequality, rising personal debt and cuts in social expenditure – the net effects of failing development paradigms. It is ideational as authority for assessing the scope of our development predicaments is left to an international public policy community of experts drawn from IFIs, the OECD donor states and United Nations agencies. Read more | |
Welcome new members
Community and Familiy Aid Foundation – Ghana |
CAFAF is a Ghanaian National Non-Governmental Organization with a global and local content thinking currently exclusively identified with promoting the empowerment of women, communities, young people to manage issues concerning their development and to advocate for and work towards adolescent and sexual reproductive health, rights and well-being; to advocate for and on behalf of young people, in the area of reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, environment, health, education, climate change, and other related issues that affect their total development.
Aim at hosting the largest effort of reaching out to youth of Ghana to appreciate and respond to their sexual health rights needs for a bright future and promoting their development toward the nations building.
CAFAF: exist to create possibilities to improve lives, where our development interventions will live indelible mark on people, communities and underserved populations to fashion a world, where all will be happy and useful includingrespectively living for others to reflect equal, participatory economy releasing that a person is a person through other persons as a lasting legacy for generations to come for replication.
For more information please visit http://familyaidfoundation.wixsite.com/cafaf
Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Center (SMRC), India |
SMRC is a leading voluntary organization working in the field of disability for the last two decades. It was 1985 when Mr. Ashok Hans thought for an organization that could rehabilitate disadvantaged spinal injury victims and give voice to the disabled for their rights and equality. With support and unwavering dedication from like-minded people, Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Center (SMRC) came out under the leadership of Mr. Hans, who sustained a spinal cord injury after a traffic accident in 1974, which left him a tetraplegic at the age of 22.
SMRC’s core area of intervention is to apply modern rehabilitation techniques creatively and comprehensively. It has adopted the essential principle that is returning or integrating a person to his home, community and work to establish a happy, productive life.
Vision: Develop a sustainable organization that responds to the rights of people with disabilities in India, particularly gendered and in the rural areas, through research, education and awareness.
Mission Statement: To support change, aimed at the creation of an environment where persons with disabilities can enjoy equal rights.
For more information please visit https://www.smrcorissa.org/
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Olive Community Development Initiative (OCDI), Nigeria |
OCDI is a Non-governmental, non-religious, non-political and non-profit making organization, based in Kwara State Nigeria, with commitment to support community development programs by generating relationships to foster human and community development. This is achieved by linking community based organizations to various opportunities and support that exist for rural/community development as the need arises. Community based organizations, Faith based organizations, youth organizations and women groups are in turn supported in designing, implementing and sustaining their own programs. OCDI belongs to several coalition on health, education and environment that will also benefit from the knowledge gained from this coalition.
OCDI is also part of the NGOs selected by the lead CSO in Kwara state saddled with the responsibility of monitoring and reporting on social protection programmes implemented by the Federal Government of Nigeria.
For more information please visit http://www.olivecommunitydevelopmentinitiative.org/
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