What's next for Social Protection: A Global Fund for Social Protection |
The blog “What's next for Social Protection: A Global Fund for Social Protection” by Nicola Wiebe is published as part of the activities to promote and disseminate the results and key discussions of the global e-Conference ‘Turning the COVID-19 crisis into an opportunity: What’s next for social protection?’.
The article summarises the key messages from the e-Conference’s Side Event on A Global Fund for Social Protection. The session was moderated by Alison Tate, Director of Economic and Social Policy of International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), and joined by speakers Valérie Schmitt, Deputy Director of International Labour Organization (ILO); Gabriel Fernández, Social Protection Specialist of Africa Platform for Social Protection (APSP); Markus Kaltenborn, Professor of Law of Ruhr University Bochum; Sulistri Afrileston, Deputy President of the Confederation of Indonesia Prosperous Trade Union KSBSI, member of ITUC; Michael Cichon, Professor emeritus of Social Protection of Maastricht Graduate School of Governance at the United Nations University in Maastricht (UNU MERIT); Marcus Manuel, Senior Research Associate of Overseas Development Institute (ODI). The full session is available here and the blog is here. |
Flyer of the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors |
Different versions of a flyer, with information about the Global Coalition in order to promote our objectives and main activities are now published on the website and it is available in different formats.
The flyer is available in English, Arabic, French and Spanish.
CSocD59: “Building Roofs and Raising Floors Through Inclusive Digital Technologies and A Global Fund for Social Protection” |
The virtual side event “Building Roofs and Raising Floors Through Inclusive Digital Technologies and A Global Fund for Social Protection”, organized by the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors, will be held in the framework of the Commission for Social Development 2021 (CSocD59).
The virtual side event will take place on 12 February 08.30-09.45 am (EST). |
New Oxfam report on the need for USP in times of COVID19 'Shelter from the Storm" |
Oxfam launched the report “Shelter from the Storm. The global need for universal social protection in times of COVID-19”. As 2020 draws to a close, the economic devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic shows no sign of abating. Without urgent action, global poverty and inequality will deepen dramatically. Hundreds of millions of people have already lost their jobs, gone further into debt or skipped meals for months. Research by Oxfam and Development Pathways shows that over 2 billion people have had no support from their governments in their time of need.
Our analysis shows that none of the social protection support to those who are unemployed, elderly people, children and families provided in low- and middle-income countries has been adequate to meet basic needs. 41% of that government support was only a one-off payment and almost all government support has now stopped.
Decades of social policy focused on tiny levels of means-tested support have left most countries completely unprepared for the COVID-19 economic crisis. Yet, countries such as South Africa and Bolivia have shown that a universal approach to social protection is affordable, and that it has a profound impact on reducing inequality and protecting those who need it most. Read more |
Migration in South Asia: Poverty and Vulnerability |
The attempt in the report “Migration in South Asia: Poverty and Vulnerability” published by SAAPE is to understand the underlying causes of the migration of the poor, from both within a country as well as from a regional perspective. While migration is also a result of people seeking better economic opportunities, among the poor, this is primarily a survival strategy. Poor people migrate because of a crisis to the survival of their families and communities. Rising inequalities, destruction of livelihood options, war and conflicts, climate and environmental crises are all major drivers of migration. While the poor are forced out across state and national borders, they often face hostility in their migration destinations. They have to face up to the loss of democratic rights, absence of any social security protection and the loss of a protective community. Read more |
COVID-19 and older people in Asia Pacific: 2020 in review |
The report “COVID-19 and older people in Asia Pacific: 2020 in review” published by UNFPA and HelpAge International is a look back at how the pandemic affected older people in Asia Pacific in 2020.
This paper documents some of the key themes that emerged throughout the year and suggests critical gaps that 2021 will urgently need to address. The pandemic has exposed the fine line between highlighting older people’s social vulnerabilities and reinforcing ageist perceptions. Read more |
World Social Forum 2021 |
Considering the global pandemic situation, the 2021 edition of the World Social Forum will be virtual from January 23 to 31, 2021.
The proposal is an assembly of several ideas and part of the experience of face-to-face forums, mixed with the potentialities of the virtual one. The program is here.
Working from home: From invisibility to decent work |
The dramatic increase in working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the poor working conditions experienced by many homeworkers.
Those working from home, whose number has greatly increased due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, need better protection, says the International Labour Organization (ILO) in a new report. Since homeworking occurs in the private sphere it is often “invisible”. In low- and middle-income countries for instance, almost all home-based workers (90 per cent) work informally.
They are usually worse off than those who work outside the home, even in higher-skilled professions. Homeworkers earn on average 13 per cent less in the United Kingdom; 22 per cent less in the United States of America; 25 per cent less in South Africa and about 50 per cent in Argentina, India and Mexico.
The report, Working from home. From invisibility to decent work, also shows that homeworkers do not have the same level of social protection as other workers. They are also less likely to be part of a trade union or to be covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
The report is available in English, French and Spanish. |
Welcome to new members |
Action Contre La Faim France | ACF-France |
Created in 1979, our Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) – Action Against Hunger – is fighting against hunger in the world. Its mission is to save lives eradicating hunger through the prevention, detection, and treatment of malnutrition, in particular during and after emergency situations caused by conflicts and natural disasters.
Today, Action Against Hunger is a major player in the fight against hunger in the world. Structured on an international network, that provides a coordinated response in nearly 50 countries.
The French organization, which legal name is “Action Contre la Faim – France”, is now member of the Global Coalition. Further information can be found here. Our 2019 narrative report, in French, is here. Our 2018’s report which is in English is here
Contact information:
Johanna Wagman (Advocacy Analyst – Rights and Essential Services)
Pakistan Evaluation Association (PEA) |
Pakistan Evaluation Association (PEA) is a voluntary association that promotes evaluation across Pakistan at national and sub national levels. PEA, as a professional body, advocates the culture of transparency and accountability through Evaluation in the government, private sector, and civil society.
PEA is an active Voluntary Organization Promoting Evaluation (VOPE). In a very small tenure it establishes to champion, advocate, and become voice of evaluation community at the national level. PEA is currently one of the only active evaluation associations in the country and region.
Further information can be found here.
Contact information
Sarah Davies, Coordinator
Sarah.davies88@hotmail.co.uk, pakevaluationassociation@gmail.com
Twitter, Facebook