Bretton Woods Institutions

World Bank, IMF are Missing the Mark on Social Security

Case Studies Illustrate Harms from Austerity and Means-Testing Worldwide.

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Videoconferencia “Justicia social, justicia fiscal y arquitectura financiera global”

La grabación de la videoconferencia latinoamericana “Justicia social, justicia fiscal y arquitectura financiera global” (Hacia la IV FfD en Sevilla) está en línea.

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Statement: Mauritius Extends Universal Child Benefits

The CSO statement commend the Government of Mauritius for its decision to extend the country’s universal child benefit, known as the Contribution Sociale Généralisée (CSG) Child Allowance till June 2025. The extension of this scheme highlights Mauritius’ efforts to strengthen its universal social security system.

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Lebanon’s Poverty Crisis: A Dire Need for Universal Social Security

The CSO statement calls out the failures of World Bank and EU-backed means-tested social security that covers just 20% of the population, in a context where over 70% experience multidimensional poverty. The statement calls on the World Bank, IMF, international donors & the government to adopt a rights-aligned approach instead.

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Inputs to the IDA21 Regional Forum for Europe and Central Asia

The GCSPF and the Social Security Campaign provided comments and inputs to the IDA21 Regional Forum for Europe and Central Asia. The Forum will take place on July 24, 2024.

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Video del Evento Público “Justicia Social y Arquitectura Financiera Internacional”

Se encuentra disponible el video del Evento Público “Justicia Social y Arquitectura Financiera Internacional” que tuvo lugar en Chile el 25 de junio de 2024.

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Invitación Evento Público “Justicia Social y Arquitectura Financiera Internacional”

Invitación al evento que tendrá lugar el martes 25 de junio de 4 pm a 6 pm en la OIT - Chile. Organizan LATINDADD, Social Watch y GCSPF.

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Statement to IDA21 Third Replenishment Meeting in Nepal

Read the CSO statement to the World Bank, calling for a human rights-aligned approach to social security, education, and health in the World Bank’s IDA 21 in Nepal.

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Joint CSO letter to IDA21 Third Replenishment Meeting in Nepal

Read the joint CSO letter addressed at the World Bank, calling for a human rights-aligned approach to social security, education, and health in the World Bank’s IDA 21.

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Recording of the event “Examining the Progress of the World Bank's Commitment to Universal Social Protection”

Watch the recording of the session that was organized by the Global Campaign for the Right to Social Security during the CSPF. The session took place on April 17, 2024.

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World Bank and IMF Executive Directors: Support States to Realize the Human Right to Social Security

Human rights, faith-based, and economic justice organizations wrote to the World Bank and IMF Executive Directors to express concerns that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) are failing to promote the human right to social security for all.

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Invitation “Examining the Progress of the World Bank's Commitment to Universal Social Protection”

The Global Campaign for the Right to Social Security invites you to join our session at the CSPF that will take place on April 17, 2024.

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Submission to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on good practices and challenges to strengthen the fulfilment of the right to social security

The organisations that jointly advocate for the Right to Social Security, welcome the opportunity to provideinput regarding Human Rights Council Resolution 52/11 on the question of the realisation in all countries of economic, social and cultural rights, with a focus on the right to social security. This submission presents research on social security across 16 countries, conducted by the signing organisations from 2019 and 2023.

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Video of the Event “Building a New Eco-social Contract and Advancing Social Security in Times of Debt and Austerity”

The video of the event "Building a New Eco-social Contract and Advancing Social Security in Times of Debt and Austerity" is now online. The event took place on Friday, October 13, 2023 during the Civil Society Policy Forum of the WBG-IMF Annual Meetings 2023 held in Marrakech, Morocco.

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Social Security for all Campaign at the 2023 Annual Meetings

Members of the GCSPF participated at the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group (WBG) - International Monetary Fund (IMF) Annual Meetings 2023 held in Marrakech, Morocco, from 9 to 15 October, 2023.

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Invitation side event at the IMF/WBG Annual Meetings in Marrakech

The session “Building a New Eco-social Contract and Advancing Social Security in Times of Debt and Austerity” will take place during the Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) of the WBG-IMF Annual Meetings 2023 in Marrakech, Morocco.

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Global Demand for Universal Social Security

Groups Press Governments, IMF, World Bank for New Eco-Social Contract

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Video of the session “IMF's strategy on social spending facing austerity: new direction or bandaid?”

The video of the session “IMF's strategy on social spending facing austerity: new direction or bandaid?” is now online. The session was held on Wednesday, April 12th, 2023. Civil society welcomed the IMF's new policy on social spending in 2019. However, we are concerned that spending on social protection, health and education is still not […]

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Invitation hybrid session: “IMF's strategy on social spending facing austerity: new direction or bandaid?”

The hybrid session “IMF's strategy on social spending facing austerity: new direction or bandaid?” will be held on Wednesday, April 12th, 2023, from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm EDT in the IMF HQ2-03B-768B meeting room. Simultaneous interpretation will be available to Spanish, French, and Arabic for those participating online. Registration is not needed for those […]

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World Bank’s definition of ‘universal’ social protection – another buzzword?

The Covid-19 pandemic and its related shocks have revealed the value of public services and social protection floors. Institutions tasked with ending poverty like the World Bank are increasingly under pressure to support vital public services and play a key role in wider universal social protection (USP) discussions. The World Bank recently released its latest […]

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GCSPF response to the World Bank's new social protection strategy

Response from the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors to the World Bank’s new Strategy for Social Protection. Download pdf version. With this statement, the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors (GCSPF), representing more than 120 civil society organisations and trade unions from all over the world, intends to react to the World Bank’s new […]

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Webinar Presentation and Recording: Work Bank, IMF and Universal Social Protection following COVID-19: The Good, the Bad and the Unclear

The slide presentation and the webinar's recording of the webinar the “Work Bank, IMF and Universal Social Protection following COVID-19: The Good, the Bad and the Unclear” are now available. The webinar took place on 20 October, 2022. In the webinar World Bank, IMF and Universal Social Protection following COVID-19: The Good, the Bad and […]

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Webinar Invitation: Work Bank, IMF and Universal Social Protection following COVID-19: The Good, the Bad and the Unclear

The webinar the “Work Bank, IMF and Universal Social Protection following COVID-19: The Good, the Bad and the Unclear” will take place on 20 October at 14:00 GMT+1. Register here Speakers Lena Simet, Senior Researcher on Poverty and Inequality, Human Rights Watch Tavengwa Nhongo, Executive Director, African Platform for Social Protection Daisy Sibun, Social Policy Officer, Development […]

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Comments on Social Protection to IDA20 draft Deputies Report

In November 2021 the ad hoc group on IDA20 of the GCSPF submitted Comments on the social protection elements in the IDA20 draft Deputies Report in which it criticises the fact that the World Bank continues to promote targeted social safety nets rather than social protection floors in line with ILO standards. The document is […]

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IDA20 and social protection: Comments on proposed policy commitments

The ad hoc group on IDA20 of the GCSPF has prepared a position paper on the draft policy commitments in the IDA20 replenishment document. The document is available here (pdf format) and here (word format). The World Bank launched an early twentieth replenishment process of the International Development Association (IDA), its fund for the world’s […]

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The IMF’s new policy framework on social protection

A view from the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors*January 2019 Download the pdf version here. As the International Monetary Fund prepares its new institutional view on how to address social protection in its work with member countries, the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors (GCSPF) has prepared this note to highlight a number of […]

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Statement to the IMF on the findings of the evaluation report and the IMF’s approach towards social protection

The Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors (GCSPF) expressed its deep concerns about the report’s findings and the IMF's approach towards social protection in general.  The statement was sent to Ms. Christine Lagarde  (Managing Director of the IMF) and the Executive Directors of the IMF in order to draw their attention on the issue and in the […]

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Statement to the IMF on the findings of the evaluation report and the IMF’s approach towards social protection

The Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors (GCSPF) expressed its deep concerns about the report’s findings and the IMF’s approach towards social protection in general. The statement was sent to Ms. Christine Lagarde (Managing Director of the IMF) and the Executive Directors of the IMF in order to draw their attention on the issue and […]

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Launch of the World Bank Group and ILO Universal Social Protection Initiative, calling for universal social protection policies and financing

On June 30th, the World Bank Group and the ILO launched a joint mission and plan of action:  Universal social protection to ensure that no one is left behind. Universal coverage and access to social protection are central to ending poverty and boosting shared prosperity, the World Bank Group's twin goals by 2030. Universal social […]

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