Campaign Launch: Social Security for All – Key Pillar for a New Eco-Social Contract

Join us to the launch of the Campaign "Social Security for All: Key Pilla for a New Eco-Social Contract" to be held on October 4, 2023.

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GCSPF e-Newsletter #77 – October 2022

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Global People’s Assembly 2022

The Global People’s Assembly is a self organised space during the United Nations General Assembly high level with the aim of bringing the voices of the people to the forefront, at a time where decision makers engage in high level debate without people’s involvement. The 2022 Global People’s Assembly took place online from Tuesday 20th […]

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Webinar Invitation: Work Bank, IMF and Universal Social Protection following COVID-19: The Good, the Bad and the Unclear

The webinar the “Work Bank, IMF and Universal Social Protection following COVID-19: The Good, the Bad and the Unclear” will take place on 20 October at 14:00 GMT+1. Register here Speakers Lena Simet, Senior Researcher on Poverty and Inequality, Human Rights Watch Tavengwa Nhongo, Executive Director, African Platform for Social Protection Daisy Sibun, Social Policy Officer, Development […]

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Statement at 47th Session of the Human Rights Council

The Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors submitted a written statement to the 47th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) held from 21 June to 9 July 2021. . This session considered the report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights on “The Global Fund for Social Protection: International Solidarity […]

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Sharan Burrow

(General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, ITUC)

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Prof. Olivier De Schutter

(UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights)

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Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmena

(Executive Director of the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)

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Presiding Bishop Dr. Shoo

(Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania – ELCT)

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Joycia Thorat

(Project Officer, Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action)

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Dr. Tavengwa M Nhongo

(Director, the Africa Platform for Social Protection – APSP) guide you through different aspects of this new Global Fund explaining why we need the Fund and how it would work.

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Statement at the SIPAC-B Meeting 2020

A Joint Statement on the Role of Social Protection in Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic, SPIAC-B, on April 2020.

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Statements at the ILO Global Social Protection Week 2019

Statement of the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors (GCSPF) “Partnering for USP and SDG 1.3.” at the Session Partnership for USP and SDG 1.3 at the Global Social Protection Week organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland, on 28 November, 2019. Statement of the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors (GCSPF) […]

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Statement on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the ILO

The statement “The legal, political, economic and moral imperatives to finance social protection for all” with the position of the Global Coalition on financing Social Protection was launched on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the International Labour Organization (ILO), on 11 April 2019. The statement is here.

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Written statement to the sixty-third session of the CSW63

The GCSPF submitted a written statement to the sixty-third session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) on March 2019. The Statement is here.

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #20 - February 2019

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Statement during the Conference USP2030 2019

As member of the Interim Steering Committee for USP2030 the Global Coalition gave a statement during the Conference USP2030 on 5 February 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland. The statement is here.

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Technical note “The IMF’s new policy framework on social protection. A view from the GCSPF”

The IMF prepares its new institutional view on how to address social protection in its work with member countries, the GCSPF prepared a technical note “The IMF’s new policy framework on social protection. A view from the GCSPF” to highlight a number of policy considerations that the Coalition believes the IMF should take into account […]

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #18 - December 2018

Welcome to our Newsletter! Read here information about our activities at the UNCSW68.

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #16 - October 2018

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #15 - September 2018

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #14 - August 2018

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #13 - July 2018 - HLPF

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #12 - July 2018 - HLPF

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #11 - June 2018

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #10 - May 2018

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #9 - March 2018

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #8 - March 2018

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #7 - February 2018

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Statement of the Global Partnership on Universal Social Protection

Statement of the GCSPF for the side event of the Global Partnership on Universal Social Protection (USP2030), New York, 31 January 2018. Read here the statement.

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #6- November 2017

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #5 - October 2017

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Statement to the IMF on the findings of the evaluation report and the IMF’s approach towards social protection

The Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors (GCSPF) expressed its deep concerns about the report’s findings and the IMF’s approach towards social protection in general. The statement was sent to Ms. Christine Lagarde (Managing Director of the IMF) and the Executive Directors of the IMF in order to draw their attention on the issue and […]

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #4 - September 2017

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #3 - August 2017

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GCSPF contribution to the CESCR on Business activities and human rights

Members of the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors submitted comments on the draft General Comment of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) on Business activities and human rights. The meeting was held in Geneva, Switzerland last February 2017. In the document the crucial role of business on decent work and the financing of […]

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Statement of the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors in the 55th session of the Commission for Social Development

Members of the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors presented an statement at the fifty-fifth session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD55) held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 1 to 10 February 2017. The choice of Strategies for the Eradication of Poverty to Achieve Sustainable Development for All as the priority […]

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #2 - July 2017

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GCSPF E-Newsletter #1 - June 2017

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Roundtable - Winning the Fight against Poverty and Inequality

The Round Table “Winning the fight against poverty and inequality: a Social Protection Floor for Everyone” has been organised by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Brot für die Welt and SOLIDAR in the framework of the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors. This debate took place on 4th November 2015 in the European Parliament in Brussels.

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Civil Society Organizations Views - HelpAge International Thailand
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Proposal for a Global Fund for Social Protection Floors (2015)

In the framework of the negotiations on Financing for Development, the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors has released its proposal for the set up of Global Fund for Social Protection Floors (GFSPFs): a solidarity based financing mechanism to help countries design, implement and, to a limited extent, finance national floors of social protection. While not replacing […]

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Member Activities

World Social Work Day The World Social Work Day 2015 event was held in Geneva, Switzerland at the UN Headquarters organised by IFSW with the support of UNAIDS. This event on “Dignity" had two panels. The second session was on social protection. More information can be found here.

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Civil Society Organizations Views - Self Employed Women Association
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Civil Society Organizations Views - Asia Europe People Forum
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Civil Society Organizations Views – Phoenix Center Jordan
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Members of the European Parliament's Views
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Universal Social Protection Advocacy Tour

Universal and Comprehensive Social Protection Systems and Floors: Essential to Fight Poverty and Inequality - During the week of 3 November 2014, the UNIVERSAL SOCIAL PROTECTION ADVOCACY TOUR – targeting European Union Representatives- was organised by the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors, SOLIDAR, Brot für die Welt and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung with the participation, among others, of the […]

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Our Resolution (2014)

A social protection floor for everyone: a universal rights-based development goal Well into the 21st century, the world remains an unfair, unequal, insecure and unhealthy place for the majority of people. At global level, four out of five persons do not have access to comprehensive social protection. About 80 per cent of the global population […]

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Social Protection Floors at the Human Rights Council

Global Coalition demands the right to social security for all at the Human Rights Council - On 6 March 2014, the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors, speaking via a video message, recommended to the Human Rights Council to:• call on states to take appropriate measures and steps with a view to respecting, protecting and […]

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Olivier de Schutter on the New Global Fund

To support Least Developed Countries set up and develop national social protection floors, the UN Special Rapporteurs on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter, and on extreme poverty and human rights, Magdalena Sepulveda, have proposed to set up a Global Fund for Social Protection. This short video, produced by SOLIDAR - together with the […]

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Our Joint Statement (2012)

This joint statement is submitted by 59 NGOs We wholeheartedly support the ILO intention to adopt the Recommendation on national social protection floors at the 101st session of the International Labour Conference in June 2012. The implementation of this Recommendation will be a great step forward towards the reduction of poverty and inequality as well […]

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